Relating Physiology to Psychophysics: Current Problems and Approaches

12th Symposium: June 18-20, 1981

Opponent Mechanisms of Color Vision
Chair: Donald Hood

Francisco de Monasterio
A comparison of color-opponent cells of the monkey visual system

Carl Ingling
Psychophysical evidence for opponent mechanisms

Robert Boynton
Psychophysical studies related to opponent-color mechanisms

Ed Pugh
Appearance and detection--Same or different mechanisms of cone antagonism

Chair: Donald Hood

Wilson Geisler
Psychophysical evidence: Pigment concentration and sensitivity

A. B. Bonds
Relationship between sensitivity loss and pigment concentration: Physiology

Mary Hayhoe
Sensitivity regulation in post-receptoral pathways

Daniel Green
Site of visual adaptation

Spatio-Temporal Systems
Chair: John Robson

Ewen King-Smith
The relation of psychophysical performance to ganglion cell properties; what can we learn from studying optic nerve disease?

Peter Lennie
Physiology of two visual systems

James P. Thomas
Tuned channels: psychophysics

Anthony Movshon
Tuned channels: physiology

Behavioral and Physiology from the Same Animal
Chair: Walter Makous

Mark Berkeley
Behavior and physiology in cats

Tatiana Pasternak
Insights from the study of selective deprivation

Barry Richmond
Sensory physiology in the awake, trained monkey

Gian Poggio
Striate cortex and binocular vision

Psychophysical-Physiological Linking Hypotheses
Chair: Horace Barlow

Davida Teller
Linking hypotheses

Julian Hochberg
Are you sure you can get there from here?

William Uttal
On the limits of sensory neuroreductionism

Organizing Committee:
Walter Makous, Chair
Donald Hood
Tatiana Pasternak
Daniel Green