Neural Coding

22th Symposium: June 1-3, 2000

Information Coding in Spike Trains
Chair: Alexandre Pouget, Moderator

Moshe Abeles, Hebrew University
Timing accuracy of cortical neurons

Anthony Zador, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
The cocktail party problem: computation in the rat auditory cortex

Ad Aertsen, Albert-Ludwigs-University
Neural dynamics in cortical networks: experiments and models

Dana Ballard, University of Rochester
Distributed synchrony

Early Circuits
Chair: Michael Weliky, Moderator

Charles Gray, University of California, Davis
Cellular mechanisms underlying response variability, precision, and synchronization

Clay Reid, Harvard Medical School
Spike timing and the transmission of information between retina, thalamus, and visual cortex

David Field, Cornell University
Optimality, independence, and the visual system's bag of tricks

Coding Experience: Development and Plasticity
Chair: Marc Schieber, Moderator

Rafael Yuste, Columbia University
A—From form to function: calcium compartmentalization in dendritic spines
B—Developmental regulation of spine motility in the CNS

Zachary Mainen, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Neural coding in the olfactory system

Michael Weliky, University of Rochester
Recording and manipulating the in vivo correlational structure of neuronal activity during visual cortical development

Ken Miller, University of California, San Francisco
Development and function of the layer 4 cortical circuit: a model of cat V1

Functional Specialization and Distributed Codes
Chair: Tatiana Pasternak, Moderator

Hans Supèr, Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute
Contextual modulation in primary visual cortex as a neuronal substrate for visual perception

Ken Britten, University of California, Davis
Spatial summation in extrastriate areas MT and MST of the monkey

Emad Eskandar, Harvard Medical School
Representations of movement direction in the posterior parietal cortex

Alexandre Pouget, University of Rochester
Efficient computation and cue integration with population codes

Large Scale Information Flow
Chair: Edward Freedman, Moderator

Terrence Sejnowski, The Salk Institute
Non-classical receptive fields in a Bayesian context

Charles Duffy, University of Rochester
Neuronal population encoding in MST: a cortical mechanism for spatial orientation

Jeff Schall, Vanderbilt University
Neural selection of targets for orienting

Maurizio Corbetta, Washington University
Mapping in time the human brain regions involved in perceptual set, search, and decision

Organizing Committee:
Mary Hayhoe, Chair
David Calkins
Alexandre Pouget
Michael Weliky