Symposium Abstract Submission

Important: Online registration, abstract submission, and travel fellowship applications are combined into one form. If you need to submit your information at separate times, you will need to edit your original submission. DO NOT submit the form multiple times.

Abstract Submission Deadline: June 5, 2024.

Notifications will be sent in June.

Apply online (combined form).

Note that we are accepting submissions for all vision related abstracts, not just those relevant to the Symposium topic.

Apply for a Travel Fellowship

Travel fellowship application deadline is June 5, 2024.

The travel fellowships (sponsored by the National Institutes of Health) for students and postdocs cover the cost of travel for a limited number of participants. You must submit actual receipts in order to be reimbursed.

Apply online (combined form). You will need to fill out the form and upload your CV.

Notification of funding will be sent in June.

Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.