Submission Details

Combine all documents requested in this list into a pdf and email to

Submission deadline is June 3, 2024 at 5PM EDT.

Required Materials

Cover Sheet

  • Project Title
  • Project Leads contact information (at least two, PI and co-PI)
  • Departments of Primary Affiliation of applicants
  • Amount Requested

Research Plan

Research plan in the modified format of an NEI R21 application (1 page Specific Aims + 5 pages Research Strategy, Arial 11 font, 0.5” margins). This structure should include the additional, program-specific information:

  • Explain the overarching goal of the planned research, the main gaps in the field addressed, and what specific pilot data that you want to gather with these pilot funds
  • Explain why the planned research is significant and innovative
  • Explain how the requested pilot funding will help secure extramural funding. If pilot data are expected to support an NEI R01, indicate the RFA
  • Explain how the collaboration enriches PI’s research programs and fits the mission of the Center for Visual Science
  • The research plan should be in plain text for non-specialist consideration


CV: Provide biosketches for the PI and Co-PIs and other significant collaborators (5 pages max. in NSF or NIH style)


  • Provide an itemized budget including a brief justification for each line item:
    • Funds may not be used for faculty salary, teaching relief or travel

Current and Pending Support

In the style of NIH Other Support documents

  • For each participating faculty who has external grant support, provide:
    • Funder, title, duration, and amount of all active and pending awards
    • A brief summary of the projects

Department Chair Endorsement

Start application early so chair may have time to review and respond!

  • What is the project's importance to the investigator and the department?
  • How will support lead to extramural funding that would otherwise not be obtained?
  • Does the faculty have other internal funding that could be allocated to the proposed project?
  • What is your plan for departmental cost-sharing? If applicable.